Saturday 19 March 2011

Magnetic Island and Mission Beach

The first night on Magnetic Island, Wednesday, we went to feed the rock Wallabies :)

On thursday we went to a Koala Sanctuary. Here we held a black cockatoo, lizards, a baby crocodile, a koala, a snake, and an echidna, which is what is in the photo below :)

Koalas spend 18-22 hours a day sleeping....

After the sanctuary we made our way over to a waterfall. It was lovely, and we were boiling but didn't have swimming stuff so couldn't get in the water properly :(

On friday we travelled to Mission Beach, met back up with Laura, and spent the evening in the pool.

Yesterday we enjoyed white water rafting in the Tully River. It was absolutely amazing!

Today (sunday): We were supposed to skydive this morning, however, due to broken radios and then rain, we didn't. There's always tomorrow....hopefully....

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