Friday 25 February 2011

Blue Mountains

Today we took a two hour train journey from Sydney to Katoomba to go to the Blue Mountains and see the 'three sisters'. (The big rocks). There is a story behind why they are called the three sisters which the aboriginal tribes believe. The story goes along the lines of a magic man took his three daughters hunting, and they were about to get eaten by this scary creature so he turned them into stone with his kangaroo bone. The creature then chased him and cornered him into a cave where there was only a tiny hole to escape, so he turned himself into a lyer bird and got out. They also believe that when they see a lyer bird, who looks like they are searching for something on the ground, this is the magic man trying to find his kangaroo bone so we can turn him and his three daughters back to humans :).

Here we are on the lookout to the three sisters.

Us in some rocks....

Climbed up a waterfall :)

This blog is turning into Liz, Rhi and Laura in Oz! :)
We're going to Spot X, Surf Camp tomorrow! So excited!
10 hours in a bus, starting at 6am. Yay.

Wednesday 23 February 2011

City Walk, Sydney

Today we walked all around the city in Sydney. We went to a war memorial and cathedral in Hyde Park, The Botanical Gardens, Government House, Opera House with the view of Sydney Harbour Bridge, ferry to Manley Beach, and back down to our hostel :).

In the Botanical Gardens with Laura and Jo

Sydney Opera House :)

After dinner, we're going to walk round Darling Harbour, which we're looking forward to :).
Rhi is feeling much better today, so hopefully she'll be fully recovered by Surf Camp!

Sydney Beaches

Today we went on a beach tour in Sydney with the hostel we're staying in. It was fun :), we went to the famous Bondi at the end. Then when we got back to our hostel we got free beer :).
In the evening we met some friends for dinner (seperately), who we both knew from out of Oz :)

Monday 21 February 2011


We are still yet to see Sydney properly. Pig is not feeling very well so she is resting in bed. Meanwhile I have made a really fun trip to the supermarket with our friend Laura, who we met on the Oz Experience bus! We're going to go to 'The Gaff' tonight and meet a few of the other guys from the bus. It should be fun.
Haven't taken any photos today.. The supermarket wasn't very interesting.. Just expensive!!!!!

Thredbo and Canberra

Yesterday we climbed the highest mountain in Australia, Mount Kosciuszko.
Here we are at the peak :).

Today we drove from Thredbo to Sydney. We stopped of at the capital, Canberra, on the way.
Overlooking the city.

A big sheep on the way to Sydney from Canberra.
Holding his huge balls :)

Saturday 19 February 2011

Lakes Entrance

Tonight we are staying at a youth hostel in Lakes Entrance.
It was a long journey here today but we had lots of stops on the way including going to Squeaky Beach, with a small 'mountain hike', searing for Kangaroos, which we saw! Lot's of :), then fish and chips for dinner with the rest of the guys on the bus. Then we just hung out of the beach for a while at Lakes Entrance, as you do :).

Friday 18 February 2011


Lizzie has enjoyed the first few days here in Melbourne visiting relatives in Doncaster.
Been spoilt rotten, and went out to celebrate the last day of Chinese New Year on thursday evening :)

We're now together and excited about starting our travels up the East Coast in the morning! AHHH!
First stop.. Lakes Entrance :)